Fortune Fortuna- June 2023

The June Installment of the Fortune Fortuna Newsletter is here!

What is happening with the Fortuna Theater?

The Fortuna Theater has been a big mystery since it’s closure from the December earthquake. Rumors circulated of everything from a mold outbreak from sprinklers breaking, to the entire building cracking in half making rounds as people asked, “When is the theater going to reopen?”.

Recently, posts on the Fortuna Happenings Facebook group have confirmed, or at least responded to some of the questions about the theater. Including a response to a concerned community member from the district manager of Cinema West.

‘Corporate told us to find new jobs. So even we don’t know. Just know I wish I still had my job.’ -A commenter in the Fortuna Happenings group.

‘Hi Janet, I was the GM at the Fortuna Theatre. I still have no updates to give at this time. Just like everyone else I am waiting for an update from the corporate office. They are currently busy with another remodel and when they are finished hopefully we’ll see an update about the Fortuna Theatre. You can also reach out to the corporate office via email at [email protected]m‘ -A commenter in the Fortuna Happenings group.

‘We appreciate your message. As you know, the earthquake damaged our building and interrupted our business. Because of the cost & work involved, we are evaluating our options and haven’t determined yet how to proceed. As soon as we know more, we’ll post the information on social media platforms, including our webpage.’ -Jesse Cid, District Manager.

The original Facebook post can be found here.

Get Pizza with a Purpose!

If you need any excuse to pick up a pizza, use this! A portion of all sales will be donated to Troop 27 & 47 (Fortuna!), and all you have to do is mention SCOUTS at the checkout to participate!

City-Wide Yard Sale-

The City-Wide Yard Sale came in full swing with great weather! A great turn out and deals for people to find all throughout Main Street. If you found something exceptionally weird at the City-Wide Yard Sale, send me a pic!

2023’s First First Friday!-

First Fridays in Downtown Fortuna kicked off for 2023 with fire dancing, the Fortuna’s Volunteer Fire Department, Music from the Practice Pad & local musicians like Kyle Justesen, The Axe Box, and more!

Sandi Petersen Photography provided free photography services to kids at the event, and had published an album on Facebook as well as on her website. You can find the album here.

The next installment of Fortuna’s First Fridays will be July 7th, 6pm in Downtown Fortuna. More information will come out soon!

Get on Fortune Fortuna!

Get onto the newsletter! If you are a business here in Fortuna and are looking for more exposure, send me a message! But hey, you don’t need to be a business to participate! Send in photos of you at Fortuna events, reviews of your favorite resturants- or even something funny you saw in town!